“Handbook for Kendo Shiai and Shinpan Management” (Kendo Shiai, Shinpan, Unei-Yoryo no Tebiki) Added to the All Japan Kendo Federation Book Collection.
“Handbook for Kendo Shiai and Shinpan Management” (Kendo Shiai, Shinpan, Unei-Yoryo no Tebiki) has been added to the All Japan Kendo Federation Book Library.
→ https://www.kendo.or.jp/knowledge/library/
This is the English translation of the “Kendo Shiai, Shinpan, Unei-Yoryo no Tebiki” (3rd Edition, 2007)” developed by the Shiai and Shinpan Committee of the All Japan Kendo Federation.
The All Japan Kendo Federation has formulated the “Guidelines for Preventing the Spread of Infections at Kendo Tournament,” in which the “Provisional Shiai and Shinpan Rules in Place Until the Covid-19 Pandemic is Brought Under Control” is stipulated and applied at the AJKF organized tournaments.
YouTube → Provisional Shiai and Shinpan Rules in Place Until the Covid-19 Pandemic is Brought Under Control
The rules for tsubazeriai described therein are not changes to the rules of AJKF’s “Regulations of Kendo Shiai and Shinpan,” but rather a stricter interpretation of the statement in page 9 of this handbook, “When tsubazeriai is entered, Shiai-sha must either proactively execute waza, or seek to break away from the tussle,” and will also help to solve the problem of tsubazeriai by deepening the understanding of the shiai-sha.