The All Japan Kendo Federation (AJKF) is comprised of affiliated groups and individuals who comply with the stated purpose of the federation. Groups and individuals that that meet the criteria for membership are designated as “organization member” and “individual member” respectively. Individual members are affiliated to one of the 47 regional kendo federations nationwide.
The following national kendo organizations are related to the AJKF :
All Japan Industrial and Commercial Kendo Federation
All Japan School Kendo Federation
University Kendo Federation of Japan
All Japan Kendo Dojo Federation
All Japan High School Athletic Federation: Kendo Division
Nippon Junior High School Physical Culture Association
All Japan Public Servants Kendo Federation
All Japan High School Athletic Federation: Part-time Correspondence School Kendo Division
The AJKF has between 47 and 60 trustees. The trustees belong to a committee tasked with appointing federation directors and auditors, approving fiscal reports, and voting on matters pertaining to the articles of incorporation. Trustees serve for a period of four years without remuneration.
There are between five and 39 directors in the AJKF as well as three to five auditors. One director is appointed as president. No more than three vice presidents are appointed from among the directors to oversee the management of federation business, along with a managing director and up to 12 standing directors (including a director in charge of accounts).
Directors and auditors are appointed by the board of trustees, but the president, vice presidents, managing director, and standing directors are voted in by the board of directors. Officers serve for a period of two years without remuneration.
Standing directors undertake the work essential to the daily running of the federation based on decisions made by the board of directors. At board meetings, directors deliberate on activities to be undertaken by the federation and then ensure that decisions are acted upon.
Through decisions made by the board of directors, advisors, counselors, council members, and consultants are appointed by the president to be consulted on various matters related to the federation.
Several specialist committees fall under the auspices of the board of directors (general affairs, promotion, women’s, instruction & development, shogo and dan, match and referee, social physical education instruction, athlete, international, iaido, jodo, medicine and science, anti-doping, and public relations). Each specialist committee chairman is, in principle, appointed by the standing directors. Where necessary, each committee can form sub-committees or hold specialist groups.
The AJKF operates an executive office to conduct its administrational activities. The office has the following six departments: general affairs (including a marketing groop), information technology & public relations, accounting, projects, international, and registry.